Организационный комитет Форума пользователей спецификацией ASD S1000D
Адрес: 119991, ГСП-1, Москва, 5-й Донской проезд, д. 21"Б"
Тел./факс: (495) 955-51-37 E-mail:

The Ninth S1000D User Forum 2010 had been held between the 27th and 30th September, 2010 in Moscow, Russia at the Aerostar Hotel.

Hotel, Lobby

Conference hall
Conference hall
Carl Wilen, SAAB ("Father Carl")
Brad Ballance, ATA
Dmitry Zanozin (Applied Logistics) announces the Forum's agenda
Exhibition hall
In the lobby
In the lobby, Swedish representatives (Anna Oehrnell, Svante Ericsson)
In the lobby
At the exhibition hall
Evgeny Sudov (Applied Logistics), Track chair
Preparation for tracks. Dmitry Zanozin (Applied Logistics), Martin Meier (EADS)
Orlando Chiarello, Secondo Mona S.p.A
Peter Zimmermann, EADS (with matrioshka)
Attentive audience
Wayne Gafford, ADL
Applied Logistics' software demonstration. Andrey Petrov



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